Test Kit for Radon in Water – Liquid Scintillation WT100


The water supply from a private well can be a source of radon.

Quantity Price
1 $49.99
2 - 4 $42.99
5 - 9 $39.99
10 - 49 $37.99
50+ $34.99
Category: SKU: as-wt100


This kit includes a single device, one heat pad to avoid any freezing during transit, instructions and laboratory analysis. Take your water sample on a Monday and ship the same day. Avoid scheduling the test for the week of a major Canadian or American holiday to prevent any shipping delays. The vial must reach the lab within 7 days of taking the water sample, otherwise the test may become invalid.


AccuStarCanada.com sells pre-paid return shipping labels, so you don’t have to worry about transit time or anything else.  If you buy the return shipping label at the same time as your dosimeter, you’ll receive a return envelope ready to use with your dosimeter.  Visit our Return Shipping Label section. For more information on how the testing works and where to return, please view the user guide before purchasing.


A standard boro-silicate glass VOA sample collection vial with Teflon sepa cap is used for sample collection. Minimum sample volume is 20 ml. Collect the sample from a source of fresh cold water. Allow the water to run until any holding tanks and pipes are cleared. Minimize aeration during sample collection.

One method of sample collection is to slowly fill a bowl or deep pan. Submerge the collection vial and cap open side up until they fill. While the vial is still submerged, screw the cap of the vial back on. The sample should not contain any air bubbles or have any headspace. The sample collection vial does not contain a preservative. If there are any air bubbles in the sample, collect the sample again. Return the sample to the laboratory within 4 days.

In the laboratory, a measured aliquot of the water sample is mixed with scintillation cocktail in a glass test vial. Radon preferentially dissolves into the cocktail over period of several hours. The vial is then placed in a shielded chamber for counting. Alpha particles emitted by the breakdown products of Radon create scintillations, or flashes of light, in the cocktail.

A photo-multiplier tube detects these scintillation’s, the signal is electronically enhanced and the effect of the alpha particles are counted. Background counts are subtracted and the net counts are entered into a formula with other relevant data yielding quantitative results stated in Becquerel per Liter (Bq/L).


If radon concentrations in drinking water exceed 2000 Bq/L, it is recommended that actions be taken to reduce the release of radon from the drinking water into ambient air.


NOTE: Due to the nature of the product, all sales are final. AccuStar Canada is not responsible for late or lost shipments to the laboratory by the courier.