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Laboratory Comments or Invalid Results

Long term AT100 (91-365 days) dosimeters must be received within 30 days of the end date. After 30 days the result is accompanied by the disclaimer “Delay between end of testing period & return to the lab may increase reported radon concentration. Consider retesting.”

If the report was received 60 + days after the end date, no results will be available and will have the comment ” Device delayed. Invalid result. Unable to report results greater than 60 days delayed. Delay between end of testing period & return to the lab may increase reported radon concentration”.


Short term CLS100 (48-96 hours) must reach the laboratory within 7 calendar days of the end date, otherwise the test is invalid.


Water Tests WT100 must reach the laboratory within 5 calendar days of the end date, otherwise the test is invalid.

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